Now Selling

Mallard Ridge

Tradition SeriesSM|Call for Information

203 Sparrow Drive, Johnstown, CO 80534

3 - 5 bed| 2 - 3 bath | 2 garage

1 - 2 story | From 1,635 sq ft

Model home

Mon - Sat 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM


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About our community

New homes in Johnstown, Co at Mallard Ridge are Now Selling! Model homes are Open Daily.

Welcome to Northern Colorado! We’re excited about the opportunity to serve as your home builder in the Johnstown area. D.R. Horton offers single-family homes in Mallard Ridge, featuring 2-story and ranch-style homes with 9 floorplans ranging from 1,635 – 2,718 sq. ft. With beautiful designs that are far from ordinary.

Schedule an appointment today with one of our sales agents about all of the great included features in your new D.R. Horton home!


Letford Elementary School
Public | K-5 1 mi.

Pioneer Ridge Elementary School
Public | K-5 2.8 mi.

Elwell Elementary
Public | K-5 0.4 mi.

Milliken Middle School
Public | 6-8 4.3 mi.

Roosevelt High School
Public | 9-12 1.4 mi.

Model home

Mon - Sat 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM


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Area Information

Find Your New Home in Johnstown, CO

Welcome to Johnstown, Colorado, a great location for a variety of outdoor adventures as it is situated less than an hour away from Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and Rocky Mountain National Park. Johnstown offers easy access to numerous attractions and outdoor activities.

Johnstown maintains a charming atmosphere within its community, whether you're exploring Parish Park, Hankins Farms, or enjoying a delightful evening at the Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, there's always something to do in Johnstown. With its year-round events and proximity to camping, fishing, and hiking spots, Johnstown truly is a town that offers adventure, charm, and a place to call home.

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