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Join the industry with D.R. Horton

Do you like to work with your hands, or would you rather figure out the numbers? Work directly with homebuyers or handle their data behind the scenes? No matter where you see yourself in the homebuilding process, D.R. Horton has a spot for you.

  • Construction
  • Sales
  • Land
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Purchasing
  • Accounting
  • Financial services
  • IT
  • Legal
  • HR
  • Multi-family

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We're hiring all across the nation, and we can't wait to say welcome to the team!

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DR Horton Interns md marketing interns DR Horton Interns md ice cream party
DR Horton Interns lg construction intern

Spend your summer with us.

While we host interns throughout the year, our Summer Internship Program is our most immersive experience.

DR Horton Interns Arlington Office DR

Meet the Horton team in Arlington, Texas.

Everyone is brought to the corporate headquarters in Arlington, Texas, for orientation to kick it all off. They hear from mentors in the company and even get a chance to hear from our executive team, including Mr. Horton.

By the way, interns get really good food and entertainment while visiting.

DR Horton Interns team Photo

Find your niche, and then maybe another.

You won't stay in one spot all summer. Interns rotate throughout different departments in their division. We want you to see how the company works together to bring homes to our buyers across America. And who knows, our interns may find other avenues their careers can take.

We want to watch you grow!

DR Horton Interns Group Photo

It's not goodbye, it's see you later!

When the summer is over, everyone flies back to Arlington to debrief, unwind, and catch up with their fellow interns. What did you learn while you were with us?

We hope we invite you to join our team at the end of your education.

Interested in our internship program?

We'd love to have you. Apply now and get started with your career in the new home construction industry.

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