Now Selling

Coyote Run

Tradition SeriesSM|From $357,990

430 Mesa Court, BROADWAY, VA 22815

4 bed| 2 - 3 bath | 2 garage

1 - 2 story | From 1,698 sq ft

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About our community

D.R. Horton newest Single-Family Homes are situated in the historic Shenandoah Valley. The town of Broadway is located within Rockingham County and is approximately 12 miles north of Harrisonburg which is conveniently accessible by Interstate 81 and Route 42.

D.R. Horton offers new “ready to move-in” homes with one-level living as well as two story homes with available basements. Both floor plans offer 4 bedrooms with an open concept, stainless steel appliances and premium granite countertops. What a wonderful way to live in a historic gem just minutes away from the convinces of Harrisonburg.

Broadway offers an array of small shops and restaurants. Also, has a nearby lake, with trails, and parks to relax and enjoy the Valley. The Community Swimming pool is located at the Broadway Community Park, a great scape for hot summer days. What a great place to call home!

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Area Information


Welcome to Virginia! We’re excited for the opportunity to serve as your home builder in Virginia- the home for lovers! D.R. Horton offers new single-family homes in Virginia, featuring one and two story homes all constructed with our spacious, open-concept floor plans. At D.R. Horton, we have a home for every stage in life.

From the sandy-covered beaches lining its shorelines and islands, to the top of the prickly mixed pines of the old-growth forests and the panoramic views from its snow-peaked mountains —Virginia is full of breathtaking landscapes, providing the perfect backdrop for your new home. Virginia is considered "the birthplace of the nation" and we believe this beautiful state offers a variety of ways to help make your new house a home.

As one of the original 13 colonies, this commonwealth upholds to its presidential roots today with more people working for the United States government than any other industry. As the home base for the United States Navy’s Atlantic Fleet, Virginia’s largest private employer is also the world's largest ship building yard.

Virginians are confident that the most charming small towns can be found here – and they have the awards to prove it. Visit the state, and discover why Virginians wouldn’t live anywhere else.

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