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Express SeriesSM|Call for Information

Call for information, Waxahachie, TX 75165

0 bed| 0 bath | 0 garage

0 story | From 0 sq ft

Community information

Mon - Sat 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM


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About our community

Welcome to Saddlebrook Estates in Waxahachie located within Ellis County off Interstate 287 and less than 10 miles from Lake Waxahachie. Stay tuned for more information!


Clift Elementary
Public | K - 5 2.9 mi.

Howard Junior High
Public | 6-8 4.3 mi.

Waxahachie High School
Public | 9-12 5.6 mi.

Community information

Mon - Sat 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM


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Here's a list of this community's sales agents so you can contact a team member directly.

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Area Information

Waxahachie, TX

Welcome to Waxahachie! We are proud to serve as your homebuilder in this wonderful community! The city is located about 30 miles south of downtown Dallas via Interstate 35E. Interstate 35E and Hwy 287 run together within the confines of Waxahachie, which provides ample dining, entertainment, and shopping opportunities.

Waxahachie is a small but lively town featuring many historic buildings, Victorian architecture, and Gingerbread-style homes, thus giving the city its nickname, “Gingerbread City.” Waxahachie is also considered the “Crape Myrtle Capital of Texas!” Each summer, the historic streets are filled with dazzling pink crepe myrtles in full bloom which are celebrated at the Crape Myrtle Festival in July.

Waxahachie offers several other amenities as well, such as four public parks and the Scarborough Renaissance Festival® located just southwest of the town. The well-known Renaissance fair theme park opens annually during April and May and has been operating since 1981. Waxahachie ISD offers several elementary, junior high and high schools scattered across the city. Their mission is for the “educational experiences to produce graduates who will positively impact the world.”

Whether you’re a growing family, empty nester, or single – Waxahachie and D.R. Horton, Inc. combined offers something for everyone! Please give a call to our OSC’s today at (214) 974-3567 to find out what communities we currently have to offer in this great city.

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