Coming Soon


Tradition SeriesSM|From $329,900

104 Tyler Way, Headland, AL 36345

4 - 5 Bed| 2 - 3 Bath | 2 Garage

1 - 2 Story | From 1,774 Sq. Ft.

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Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


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  • HOA


Headland Elementary School
Public | K - 5 0.9 mi.

Headland Middle School
Public | 6 - 8 1.2 mi.

Headland High School
Public | 9 - 12 1 mi.

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Community information

Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


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Area Information

Find Your New Home In Montgomery, AL

Alabama’s beautiful Capital City, Montgomery, offers plenty of culture, vibrancy, and a low living cost, making the community an ideal place for your new home. Montgomery boasts an active city with a deep appreciation for its cultural roots and modern amenities. The city’s wide range of outdoor activities, an upbeat and engaging arts scene, and strong economy provide a well-rounded living experience for all. Whether scenic beauty of parks, active community life, or job opportunities, Montgomery offers a fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle, making the area an excellent choice for your new home. Check out our new construction homes in Montgomery with D.R. Horton’s modern new construction homes, and you will find move-in-ready options that pair contemporary design with the warmth of a welcoming, close-knit community.

Life in Montgomery

Montgomery's community lifestyle is filled with arts, music, and cultural events that bring everything together. The city hosts many annual events, including the Montgomery Film Festival and Jubilee CityFest in April and the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra’s outdoor concerts in May. These events and the city's museums and theaters provide endless entertainment options for residents and visitors alike. Montgomery's historical significance is also a star attraction, with the Rosa Parks Museum, the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, and the Civil Rights Memorial Center offering perspective into the city’s storied and historic past. The Montgomery Zoo and W.A. Gayle Planetarium, operated by the Montgomery Zoo, provide presentations and exhibits on astronomy, planetary science, and space exploration. Alabama Department of Archives and History is a special place to visit as it is the official state history museum. For a more laid-back experience, the city’s breweries and wineries, like Common Bond Brewers and Perdido Vineyards, offer excellent local tastes to enjoy.

Outdoor Adventure in Montgomery

Outdoor adventures will provide plenty of activities to enjoy in and around Montgomery. The city's many parks, including the expansive Blount Cultural Park, are home to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and beautiful walking trails. The Alabama River provides fishing, boating, and paddleboarding opportunities for those who enjoy more adventurous activities. Golfers can play eight public and private golf courses in and around the city; many tee times are available, from the challenging and famous Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail Capitol Hill course to the relaxed Gateway Golf Course. Montgomery is home to the Tampa Bay Rays Double-A affiliate, the Montgomery Biscuits, at the Montgomery Riverwalk Stadium. The nearby Chewacla State Park and Oak Mountain State Park provide additional hiking, biking, and climbing park options. Montgomery's natural resources, including the scenic riverbanks, boating, and lush landscapes, make it a haven for outdoor fun.

Economic Opportunity in Montgomery

The economic landscape in Montgomery is healthy and strong, with several significant companies headquartered in the city. Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base is the state's largest employer. Other key employers include the State of Alabama, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, Baptist Health, City of Montgomery, MOBIS Alabama, Rheem Water Heaters, and Alabama State University. Montgomery's strategic location in the Southeast makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish a regional presence.
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