Coming Soon
Tradition SeriesSM|From $329,900
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Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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Headland Elementary School
K - 5
0.9 mi.
Headland Middle School
6 - 8
1.2 mi.
Headland High School
9 - 12
1 mi.
Community information
Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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Area Information
Find Your New Home In Montgomery, AL
Alabama’s beautiful Capital City, Montgomery, offers plenty of culture, vibrancy, and a low living cost, making the community an ideal place for your new home. Montgomery boasts an active city with a deep appreciation for its cultural roots and modern amenities. The city’s wide range of outdoor activities, an upbeat and engaging arts scene, and strong economy provide a well-rounded living experience for all. Whether scenic beauty of parks, active community life, or job opportunities, Montgomery offers a fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle, making the area an excellent choice for your new home. Check out our new construction homes in Montgomery with D.R. Horton’s modern new construction homes, and you will find move-in-ready options that pair contemporary design with the warmth of a welcoming, close-knit community.
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